Imagine that you were called to minister to Nazi war criminals. That’s exactly what happened to Henry Gerecke, a Lutheran minister enlisted (at the age of fifty!) as an Army chaplain during World War II. At the war’s end, when other soldiers were coming home, Gerecke was called to the most difficult ministry assignment imaginable: to serve as chaplain to…
When I was a young boy, there was a little sapling in my parent’s front yard. One day, I broke off the top of that sapling while hitting my cousin with it. You see, he was chasing me and I saw the sapling so I jumped over it (that’s how small it was). Then I reached back and pulled it…
Let me ask those of you who confess to be followers of Christ a few questions. When you accepted Christ as your Savior, did you suddenly become a smarter person? Did you look in the mirror and find that you are better looking? Were you suddenly more prone to eat right and exercise every day? Was it easier to find…
People sometimes ask, “Can’t I be a Christian by myself? Just pray to God out on the lake or under a tree?” Yes, you can pray to God anywhere, anytime. But, NO, you cannot be a Christian “by yourself.” There is no such thing as a Lone Ranger Christian! The Bible teaches that we need the community of faith. We…