We often forget to make the distinction between creation and creationism. One is a doctrine while the other is an apologetic approach. On the one hand, creation is a foundational doctrine of the Christian faith. The essential features of the doctrine of creation are unchangeable tenets. The Bible teaches that those features include the truths that God, without compulsion or…
For 18 days last month, Malcolm Yarnell (from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) and I had the privilege of taking a group of students on a study tour through England and Scotland. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting Gainsborough Hall in Lincolnshire, a meeting place built over 500 years ago. During the English Reformation, Protestants who stayed in…
Is it possible to determine the economic benefit a church brings to its local community? A recent First Things article reports that researchers led by a University of Pennsylvania professor attempted to make just such an assessment (First Things: April 2011, p. 67). They estimated the economic impact of 12 congregations in the greater Philadelphia area. Some financial benefits could…
I just finished an excellent book by James Le Fanu entitled Why Us? How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves. Le Fanu, winner of the Los Angeles Times prize for scientific writing in 2000, gives a readable survey of modern evolutionary theory, genetic research, and scientific explorations of the brain. He demonstrates that Darwinism fails as an explanatory theory and…
If there were ever any doubts that Darwinism is first and foremost a religion, Eddie Colanter provides the two quotes that lay them to rest. Colanter has written “Philosophical Implications of Neo-Darwinism and Intelligent Design” for a book edited by Wayne House entitled Intelligent Design 101. The first quote is by Sir Julian Huxley, the grandson of T. H. Huxley…
Two weeks ago my wife and only daughter, along with her steady beau, called me to the dining room for a meeting after supper. I had been warned by my wife that this meeting was imminent, but alas, I still found myself unprepared. The talk ensued and I was informed by my daughter’s suitor that he loved my daughter, wished…
This past weekend, Penny and I celebrated Christmas with our children and one year old grandson, Elliott. We spent the day with each other; eating our traditional dishes (sausage balls and sweet rolls are a must on Christmas morning), opening and playing with gifts, watching Christmas movies, and in general having fun together. How blessed we are! How good God…
I know a little about dealing with controversial subjects. My last book, Salvation and Sovereignty, presented an alternative to five-point Calvinism, and my current project (with Mark Rooker) is a book about creation and evolution. Calvinism and creationism—two lightning rod topics if there ever were any! I’ve observed that advocates on either side of these two issues have produced an…
A buddy and I decide to go sky-diving. For the record, if I am jumping out of a plane with a parachute, you can know one of two things. One, I have lost a bet; or two, the plane is on fire. But let us imagine that my friend has talked me into sky-diving and he begins to explain to…
Gen 15:4-5 4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” 5 Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said…