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The Fall

What Effect Did the Fall Have on Creation?

Book Excerpt By January 13, 2015 Tags: , , No Comments

In my previous post I examined the question of whether or not animals died before the fall of Adam. Young-earth creationism proponents consistently answer “no,” while old-earth creationism and evolutionary creationism advocates answer “yes” in a variety of ways. The respective answers given lead naturally to the question of this post: What, then, were the effects of Adam’s fall? As…


Was There Animal Death Before the Fall?

Book Excerpt By January 6, 2015 Tags: , , No Comments

The creation account of Gen 1 ends with the declaration, “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good” (Gen 1:31 ESV). The key issue boils down to what is meant by the expression “very good.” Old-earth creationists and young-earth creationists agree that this is the issue about which they have the most disagreement. More…
