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Who Needs Adam? Denis Lamoureux Jettisons a Historical Fall

Book Excerpt, Book Review By February 3, 2015 Tags: , , No Comments

For about a month we have been looking at the answers given by evangelicals to two questions: 1) did animal death exist before the fall of Adam and Eve?, and 2) what was the impact of Adam’s fall on the rest of Creation? We have summarized the answers provided by young-earth creationists (YEC), by old-earth creationists (OEC), and a hybrid…


Adam’s Fall as a Transcendent Federal Event

Book Excerpt By January 27, 2015 Tags: , , , No Comments

Over the last several posts we surveyed the answers given by evangelicals to two questions: 1) did animal death exist before the fall of Adam and Eve?, and 2) what was the impact of Adam’s fall on the rest of Creation? My last post summarized the answers provided by young-earth creationists (YEC) and by old-earth creationists (OEC) for the second…


What Effect Did the Fall Have on Creation?

Book Excerpt By January 13, 2015 Tags: , , No Comments

In my previous post I examined the question of whether or not animals died before the fall of Adam. Young-earth creationism proponents consistently answer “no,” while old-earth creationism and evolutionary creationism advocates answer “yes” in a variety of ways. The respective answers given lead naturally to the question of this post: What, then, were the effects of Adam’s fall? As…
